My life, as it was then, as it is now (Part I)
I’m not sure what I want to put here. I moved from New York back to California last year. Quite literally starting over from scratch. Leaving almost everything and everyone I care about. I packed everything I could fit into my little Chevy and hit the road. Actually, this part was probably the most fun I’ve had in years. Driving picking my route along the way, I headed west.The first night I stayed just west of Cincinnati. I was a little irked that motels and other places were about $40 a night to the east. I ended up paying $80 where I stayed.
The next morning I was up and headed out on I-90, going through Indiana and Illinois to my destination in Wisconsin. My friend brother_blaze graciously offered a place for me to crash for a few days and enjoy his hospitality. I enjoyed seeing his family again and visiting sites in and around Lodi, WI. Thank you, Blaze. I had some photos of the sculpture garden we visited, but I seem to have misplaced them.
I left Wisconsin a few days later. The thing I remember most was the beautiful country I traveled through. The trip across the bridge spanning the Missouri River was breath-taking. I stopped for the night in Rushmore, South Dakota. My only complaint was not having access to much Wi-Fi in some of the more remote places. When I did find, I imagined it was because they wired some of the cows with Wi-Fi like this: