Aches and Pains

Posted by Tony on March 29, 2017 in Life, Writing |

It’s been a while since I really updated this site with anything personal. I’ve written mostly with pen and ink in my journal. Most of it is really personal and would not be of any interest to anyone.

I spend my days applying for jobs in San Francisco and Seattle, to no avail. I usually get a “no thank you” email from them company or no response at all. It’s very discouraging. I’m well qualified for these jobs, I just can’t seem to get my foot in the door. I’ve rewritten my résumé to showcase different skills, but nothing seems to matter.

Last weekend I went to the Santa Clarita Comics and Toy Expo. It was a small, first year show. Had a great time meeting everyone. The one drawback is I fell really hard on my right hip and injured it pretty bad. It’s been a week and I still hurt a lot. The pain in my hip and groin is making it difficult to stand, walk, and balance myself. Going to have to start a regiment of Aleve pain killers.

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