Posts by Tony:
Big Wow, San Jose, day 2
Pepe’s new banner. It’s drawing people over to the table like crazy. Even before the show starts in the morning.
Big Wow!
I’ll be at the Big Wow ComicFest this weekend in San Jose, California. I’ve never been to San Jose, so I’m looking forward to seeing it. I’ll be in Artist Alley at table AA51 with Pepe Melan. It should a fun weekend! Look for updates from the road and at the convention.
Up and Down
It’s been an okay week. I’m coming down from a productive week of outlining a story for a possible novel idea I have. I’ve worked on it in my head for some time. Finally getting the guts to commit it to paper, at least in an outline form. Not much, but a start. I’m actually […]
I had a dream last night that I found a great job. Here’s to dreams coming true!
I’m not so good at managing it. I need to work on it more, then I think life would be easier. Just a random thought for today,
Friends are awesome
Thanks to Rosie and Blaze for lending a helping hand today when I needed it. Good friends are better than gold, cherish them.
A plea to any readers?
I have to write a short paragraph or so bio about myself as a writer, geek, and comic book lover. And I have no idea what to write. Anybody who actually reads this and knows me can help. Please?!