Posts by Tony:
Radioactive = No Super Powers
I had my second nuclear stress test today. They pumped me full of radioactive stuff and stressed my heart to take video of how it is functioning. It left me feeling weak and dizzy for the rest of the day. The bummer is, I don’t get super powers.
The bonus is, I get fuzzy snuggles while resting. I’d rather it was a cute girl, but whatever.
Adventures in Journaling
Studying more ways to keep a journal. I know there is more I could be doing. Goals, money, personal time, etc. Don’t force it is what I’m finding. Swapping out journals at the beginning of the year. Which I didn’t do this year. Topics are still difficult for me. Maybe some pages will be lists. […]
Grateful 2019
Starting 2019 with feeling grateful for the things I have in life. Nothing seems to go right, but I am thankful for family and friends, my dog Georgie, and that I have a place to lay my head at night. I’m grateful that I get to spend mornings with my grandma having toast and coffee. […]
New workflow
I got the new Apple Pencil and I’m using it to hand write my blog posts. Feels a little awkward at first, but I like that I can scratch out new posts as if on paper, which I really like. I love the feel of handwriting my thoughts, the scratch of ink pen on paper. […]
How to Use Siri to Automate Every Step of Your Daily Grind
How to Use Siri to Automate Every Step of Your Daily Grind
Searching for Writing Prompts
Today I wrote in my journal twenty-five journaling prompts. None of them really sparked much. But then I ended up writing 4 pages on journaling and how my topics have changed over the years. I’m no longer searching for a relationship, I had one for over ten years. I don’t need anyone to complete me. […]
A New Year, A New Outlook
Hmmm, what if I actively try to change myself. Try to cut negativity, document my life, my successes, my failures. Going to try to use this site more and more. Try to live life to the fullest, and give up on beating myself up. Let go of the anger I feel towards myself and others. […]
Not wanting to update WordPress to Gutenberg!