Mixed Bag
The last few weeks have been a mash of bullshit, emotions, and attempts at writing. I’m not feeling great, but I think it’s more emotional and mental than physical. I’m 100% certain that the majority of people don’t understand that depression and anxiety can cause a physical reaction. It’s like feeling sick all the time. […]
Sunday Before San Diego
Feeling pretty awful today. It hasn’t been a great weekend and my anxiety is in full swing. Resting today, trying to get ready for 4 days in San Diego. Not sure how I’ll feel, but hoping it will be better than this weekend. Stressing over pretty much everything right now. Job hunting being the biggest […]
On Old Friends and Time Gone By
I already posted about my friend Jim passing away. This and much more has been on my mind lately. Jim and I spent many years in school and working together. I have good memories of it all. I try not to dwell on the past, but for me that’s always been difficult. I hold the […]
Not procrastinating
Just very uninterested in everything today. I need motivation but have none. I really hate when I feel like this. It’s wasted time, but it’s an emotional thing to the best I can figure. I’m 99% sure it’s loneliness and isolation that is doing it to me. Not much I can do about that I […]
Not procrastinating
Just very uninterested in everything today. I need motivation but have none. I really hate when I feel like this. It’s wasted time, but it’s an emotional thing to the best I can figure. I’m 99% sure it’s loneliness and isolation that is doing it to me. Not much I can do about that I […]
Sick Days
I will recap the San Jose Big Wow ComicFest in a day or two. Fighting off a bug. Scratchy throat and just feeling run down. Over and out.
I’m still fighting a mental block, I find it difficult to focus my mind on creativity. I have a friend who wrote something similar on his site the other day. Are the drugs we use as prescribed by doctors dulling our creativity. Hmm, it feels like it to me. I used to dream up stories […]
I vowed to be productive today. It didn’t turn out the way I had hoped. Sitting here alone isn’t helping. But I’m feeling like I’m limited in my options. There is nobody here to talk with, my family doesn’t understand or is so wrapped up in their lives, they don’t have time. I do know […]
Just going to write something here. The weekend was okay. Not great, I got new crutches so I’m all blingy and super quiet. Like a sparkling ninja. No, not a vampire, though, that might be cool too. God knows I could generate the angst for it. Anyway, I was busy most of Saturday and have […]