Searching for Writing Prompts
Today I wrote in my journal twenty-five journaling prompts. None of them really sparked much. But then I ended up writing 4 pages on journaling and how my topics have changed over the years. I’m no longer searching for a relationship, I had one for over ten years. I don’t need anyone to complete me. […]
A New Year, A New Outlook
Hmmm, what if I actively try to change myself. Try to cut negativity, document my life, my successes, my failures. Going to try to use this site more and more. Try to live life to the fullest, and give up on beating myself up. Let go of the anger I feel towards myself and others. […]
Prime Suspect for Depression
Life Update
It’s been a while since I put a real post on these pages concerning my life. Mostly I guess because I felt I didn’t have much to say. I’ve been battling depression and anxiety for most of my life and lately it’s been a real struggle to stay motivated. In order to keep moving forward […]
Taking Mental Health Seriously
This is a fantastic project. I wish they had these rooms at some of the ComicCons I go too. It’s great to see these rooms make a public statement, so many times mental health is swept under the rug or not talked about at all. Take This AFK Rooms