
Posted by Tony on May 18, 2011 in Life, My Two Cents |

I’m not so good at managing it. I need to work on it more, then I think life would be easier. Just a random thought for today,

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Happy Friggatriskaidekaphobia

Posted by Tony on May 13, 2011 in Misc, My Two Cents |

Yes it’s Friday the 13th. The Witches Sabbath, if you believe the Norse mythology. I find it interesting that it was the Christian coverts who decided that Frigga (the Norse goddess of love and fertility) was a witch. Another source of the superstition created by the extermination of the Knights Templar initiated by the Pope […]

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Capital One Sucks!

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Advocacy, My Two Cents, Politics, Rants, Thoughts |

Today started off bad and just got worse. As I said before I woke with depression and anxiety already running rampant in my body. I kept thinking “Okay, just relax, things are not that bad.” But then I proceeded to pay my bills. This sent me on a roller coaster journey. I logged in to […]

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Sucker Punch

Posted by Tony on March 25, 2011 in My Two Cents, Thoughts |

I really wanted to like Sucker Punch. Visually the movie is interesting, but I’ve seen this style in Snyder’s other films like Watchmen and 300. So it really wasn’t anything new or groundbreaking. I had actually waited for both of these films for rental rather than seeing them in the theater. I probably should have […]

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