The doorway is open but what lies beyond the threshold I cannot tell. I have but to step over to the other side. A simple choice to overcome the fear that holds me in place in this world. A small step to move beyond. Difficult as it feels, it really is so simple.
My mind and emotions are betraying me tonight. Sinking pretty low.
Dreams lie
Woke up from a happy dream. Only to realize that what I dreamed wasn’t reality. I am gripped by a sadness now. So hard to shake these things off.
Being Thankful
I’m going through a lot of emotions lately. Not all of them happy or fun. As I keep trying to put my life back together, sometimes unsuccessfully. Jobs are hard to find, I live in an area outside of the civilized world. Much of the time I am isolated, alone, and lonely. I do my […]
A message to the out of touch politicians
A fellow writer friend of mine posted this today on Twitter. It’s an article by Stephen King that addresses the unfairness of our governments tax policy. King always seems to be able to put things in a way that makes me say “Damn, I wish I could’ve said that.” Enjoy, disagree, discuss…? Stephen King: Tax […]
Sucks! That is all.
Happy New Year
In all 2011 was pretty good. I have an awesome family, [singlepic id=1057 w=320 h=240 float=center] including a niece who is pretty darn awesome (and she knows it) …and a new cousin. I went to San Diego Comicon for the first time. I went to a Prince concert for the first time in ages. I […]
Sometimes loving someone just isn’t enough. No matter what they say.
On Old Friends and Time Gone By
I already posted about my friend Jim passing away. This and much more has been on my mind lately. Jim and I spent many years in school and working together. I have good memories of it all. I try not to dwell on the past, but for me that’s always been difficult. I hold the […]
Ideas on paper…for once
I’ve been working on an outline for a story/possible novel I’m working on. I’ve actually put pen to paper on this project. That is many steps closer than in the past. I’m working on character ideas now. I like them to be original, not the cookie-cutter characters from other fantasy/science fiction novels I’ve read. I’ve […]