Damn Dog
My new journal fell on the floor during the night and Georgie ate it. Grrr!
Scared Dog
My dog is terrified of the air conditioner. Hopefully this doesn’t last long. Anyone have any tips for helping him cope? He’s hiding in the laundry room.
I try to keep busy and look for work every day. Most days I apply for one or two jobs. The waiting is what gets to me and sends my anxiety level through the roof. I exercise and read to keep my mind off of my troubles. Some days I’m more successful than others.
I write, but only a day-to-day journal of my thoughts and fears. My creativity feels like it has stalled. I wish I could come up with more ideas of how to manage my daily stress. Diet is a factor, but being out in the boonies with no access to healthier foods is a definite hinderance. I do take vitamins and a plethora of medications, and I have cut back on sugar. I am trying in small ways to make healthier choices.
Part of me knows that my situation is only temporary and I will eventually find work. I just want to stay healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. I’m not giving up, just feeling like I’m moving too slow.
Senior Moment
Sat down to do something and for the life of me I can’t remember what. I’m too young for this.