Merry? Christmas

Posted by Tony on December 26, 2012 in Blah, Fun and Friends, Life, Thoughts |

Another Christmas has come and gone. I’m doing so-so. Missing people I considered family. Nothing to be done I guess.

I am thankful for old friends though, without them I probably wouldn’t be here. May God bless them in the new year.


Good and bad

Posted by Tony on November 27, 2012 in Fun and Friends, Life, Thoughts |

It’s been a rough few weeks. Seems like holidays are always rough when dealing with depression and anxiety.

The thing is, I’m doing better than usual. A friend has been helping me through the days. I am thankful for the people who have given me a helping hand. I know that I’d be in a much darker place without them.

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Posted by Tony on October 25, 2012 in Life, Thoughts, Writing |

I’ve tried to write on a regular basis lately. A friend mentioned how difficult that can be when you’re depressed. I tend to agree, although I’ve read books and articles that recommend channeling your feelings into your writing.

I find that to be a sound idea that is much harder to do than it sounds. I don’t want my writing to reflect the sadness and anger I feel on a daily basis. It may be “where I am” right now. But I refuse to let it define who I am. So if I’m quiet here for extended periods, it’s because I don’t want to put my sad, angry, or whiny feelings here. Maybe I’m wrong? I’ve been wrong a lot lately.

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Posted by Tony on October 17, 2012 in Advocacy, Cool, Cool Stuff, Family, Fun and Friends, Life |

A great story about inclusiveness. My first-cousin Milo and his daddy are a part of it.

Link to the article

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Posted by Tony on October 16, 2012 in Blah, Life, Thoughts |

Sad tonight. Feeling worthless. Just putting this here because its what I feel right now.

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Posted by Tony on October 6, 2012 in Life, Thoughts |

The doorway is open but what lies beyond the threshold I cannot tell. I have but to step over to the other side.

A simple choice to overcome the fear that holds me in place in this world. A small step to move beyond. Difficult as it feels, it really is so simple.

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Posted by Tony on September 29, 2012 in Blah, Life, Thoughts |

My mind and emotions are betraying me tonight. Sinking pretty low.

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Dreams lie

Posted by Tony on September 26, 2012 in Life, Thoughts |

Woke up from a happy dream. Only to realize that what I dreamed wasn’t reality. I am gripped by a sadness now. So hard to shake these things off.

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Almost a life

Posted by Tony on September 21, 2012 in Funny |

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Being Thankful

Posted by Tony on September 21, 2012 in Family, Life, Thoughts, Writing |

I’m going through a lot of emotions lately. Not all of them happy or fun. As I keep trying to put my life back together, sometimes unsuccessfully. Jobs are hard to find, I live in an area outside of the civilized world. Much of the time I am isolated, alone, and lonely. I do my best to be productive and move forward as best I can given these circumstances.

Some days I get very down. I find it hard to keep going. I listen to the trains outside my window. Resisting the urge to give up. I try to write on a regular basis, some days it’s all I can do to just get myself out of bed and dressed in the morning. Days like today.

I’m in the process of finding a new doctor to help me cope with all the feelings and internal turmoil I’m dealing with everyday. As I search I try to remind myself to be thankful every day. Thankful for family, friends, and all the things that I sometimes take for granted. I know that if it were not for more than a few of you people I wouldn’t be here anymore. I’m not going to call anybody out. If you know me and what my life has been like, then you know who you are. So let me just say “thank you”, because I know I don’t say it enough. I’m have a lack for words for what you all mean to me and not wanting to get all sappy limits me. But thank you to all of you. I pray things will get better. No idea how right now. But I’m still searching for answers. Thanks to you.

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