Site purge
Going to be purging some stuff from this site that is no longer a part of my life.
Difficult decision, but necessary I think. Any thoughts from ghosts who read this page are welcome and will be taken under consideration. The process is likely to take a while.
Thoughts on Jimbo
My thoughts are with an old friend tonight. He’s passed away a little over a year ago. We were friends for over 30 years.
His smile, laugh, and general great humor were infectious and uplifted my spirit many many times when I needed it most.
He went through some tough times similar to what I’ve been through. I admired him for his ability to smile and keep laughing. I think about him often. Such a terrible loss to this world. I pray someday that I will learn his secret to his good humor. May he rest in peace. You are missed my old friend.
I need one. Had an idea for another post but failed to write it down and it’s gone from my brain. *sigh*
Childhood TV
I think I’ve written before about how I spent much of my time as a kid in hospitals and body casts after surgery. As a result I watched a ton of old TV shows. To this day I still love many of them.
Recently my satellite provider added KVME Los Angeles Channel 20, MeTV. I love it. It’s what TV Land used to be. They run many of the old TV shows I loved as a kid (and only those shows it seems). The station doesn’t seem to have a website and I don’t like linking to Facebook (need a wed developer folks?), so I can’t really link to them or I would.
I’m loving old shows like Mission:Impossible, Perry Mason, The Rockford Files, Hawaii Five-O (with Jack Lord), Wild Wild West, Star Trek, Batman, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and many more. The signal seems to flake out occasionally but I’m okay with it.
The Saga Parodies Begin
The classic first parody of Star Wars.
A message to the out of touch politicians
A fellow writer friend of mine posted this today on Twitter. It’s an article by Stephen King that addresses the unfairness of our governments tax policy. King always seems to be able to put things in a way that makes me say “Damn, I wish I could’ve said that.” Enjoy, disagree, discuss…?
WonderCon 2012
WonderCon 2012 was a blast. It’s always fun to see friends. There are so many creative people at these shows. I usually dread going, but end up having a great time. Always sad when it’s over.