Happy New Year
In all 2011 was pretty good. I have an awesome family,
[singlepic id=1057 w=320 h=240 float=center]
including a niece who is pretty darn awesome (and she knows it)

My Cousins Amy and Milo
…and a new cousin.

Me and Smurfette (Comicon 2011)
I went to San Diego Comicon for the first time.

In the Purple Rain
I went to a Prince concert for the first time in ages.

Comikaze Expo - Los Angeles, November 5th and 6th, 2011 (Art By Pepe Melan http://www.pepemelan.com)
I was a special guest at Comikaze Expo

Richard Herd and me
I met so many interesting, artistic, inspirational, and wonderful people at the conventions I went to throughout 2011.
And I reconnected with many friends and lost a dear old friend.
What does 2012 hold in store? I really have no idea. But I have projects I am working on, hopefully I will make progress on them. I leave you with something from my friend Sunny. A little positivity for the future.
Here’s to an even better 2012!!!
3.2 Million Dots
Hero from Miguel Endara on Vimeo.
Long Beach 2011
I had a great time at the Long Beach Comic and & Horror Con this weekend. I always enjoy seeing the core group of artists we work with. I say work, because although we have a good time it is work we are doing promoting great book like Tales of Blood and Fire, Comic Book Junkie, and Zombie Tramp. I highly recommend you check them all out. They’re fantastic.
See you next week and the Los Angeles Comikaze Expo. I can’t wait!
Long Beach Comic Con 2011
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Not sure what to title this post. I haven’t written much of anything worthwhile lately. My heart just hasn’t been in it. I’ve felt lonely and let down. As a result my productivity has sucked. I’m resigned to this just being how it is right now. I’m not sure how to fix things that are out of my control. I guess I can’t do anything about it really. It’s just how it is. I’m alone, lonely, depressed, angry, and unhappy. Living in a limbo or sorts. I don’t see any way to fix things right now. So I will just try to make it day-to-day for now.
This made me laugh
I guess I am 12.
“http://www.youtube.com/embed/LF4YGIg-lZA” It’s gone!