Wish I could take credit for finding this one…

Posted by Tony on September 8, 2011 in Art, Fun Stuff, Science |

It’s just all kinds of cool, enjoy!


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Posted by Tony on September 3, 2011 in Funny |

funny celebrity pictures - VICODIN
see more Lol Celebs




Posted by Tony on September 2, 2011 in Life, Misc, Thoughts |

Sometimes loving someone just isn’t enough. No matter what they say.

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Stan Lee Want You…

Posted by Tony on August 29, 2011 in Cool, Fun and Friends, Life, Work, Writing |

at Comikaze Expo. Tickets are only $12, I’ll see you there too.

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Yoda Through the Years

Posted by Tony on August 26, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Tribute |

Geek Tyrant had an article posting clips of Yoda as seen over the years of the Star Wars films. It also had my favorite Yoda scene from The Empire Strikes Back. Enjoy!

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Mixed Bag

Posted by Tony on August 12, 2011 in Blah, Life |

The last few weeks have been a mash of bullshit, emotions, and attempts at writing. I’m not feeling great, but I think it’s more emotional and mental than physical. I’m 100% certain that the majority of people don’t understand that depression and anxiety can cause a physical reaction. It’s like feeling sick all the time. When I’m having a bad day I feel ill and end up sleeping the day away. I hate it. I end up feeling guilty that I’ve wasted the day.

There are days when I do my best to power through it, and I sometimes succeed. Other days I wake up early in a panic driven anxiety. On those days I feel like nothing I do really matters. I know this is an irrational feeling, but it is a real feeling I’m having nonetheless.

I need to make a life change. Not sure how I can do that since I struggle just to keep my head above water most days. I need a vacation from my life. Unrealistic? Probably, but true. I don’t think it’ll happen any time soon though.

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The rest of the San Diego photos

Posted by Tony on August 3, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Fun and Friends, Fun Stuff, Life |

[nggallery id=25]
My pictures for Comic Con really suck this year. Too much walking, standing, sweating, falling, bleeding, etc. to get enough decent photos. Maybe next year?

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San Diego Comic Con 2011 Photo

Posted by Tony on August 2, 2011 in Fun and Friends, Life |

Me and Slave Leia Kit

Me and Slave Leia Kit

This was one of the few pictures I was able to get. Can you tell I was out of it and in pain from my fall the day before?

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Comic Con San Diego 2011 – Recap

Posted by Tony on July 25, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Family, Fun and Friends, Life |

So I’m back from Comic Con. What nightm– adventure. On Wednesday (Preview Night) I got about 20 feet through the doorway when I proceeded to take a spill on the escalator. I was dehydrated, exhausted from a 20 minute walk and I cut my hand in the fall. My blood pressure and heart rate was way up. So I sort of sprayed blood everywhere and the towel I used to put pressure on the wound looked a heck of a lot worse than the injury actually was.

I was taken by ambulance to the ER where the doctors replenished my fluids and monitored me for about 5 hours. After that I took a cab back to the hotel, where I then began reenacting the chest waxing scene from The 40 Year Old Virgin by trying to gently (and unsuccessfully) remove the electrodes from the multiple EKGs they gave me. What a pain, literally.

The next day was in a haze for me and I really was feeling too good. After that my experience got better as I learned the ins and outs of San Diego Comic Con. I went to several panels but did not get many pictures. It’s very crowded and not easy to manage a camera. I didn’t get any shots worth posting here. I did get to see family and friends that I haven’t seen in many years. It was a blast, and I hope to keep in touch and see them more often.

A highlight of the Con for me was the panel for the TV show Chuck. This is the shows last season and they are determined to take the show out in a way that will be fun for the fans of the show. Below I embedded the teaser video that was shown at the Comic Con panel, enjoy.

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Family Awesomeness

Posted by Tony on July 23, 2011 in Family, Fun and Friends, Life |

The incredibly awesome Milo Dean and his mom.



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