This Saturday….

Posted by Tony on May 5, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Fun Stuff |

is the 10th Anniversary of Free Comic Book Day. This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to your day already in progress.

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Happy Star Wars Day

Posted by Tony on May 4, 2011 in Fun Stuff, Misc |
Happy Star Wars Day 2011

Happy Star Wars Day

New Star Wars Blu-Ray info is here.

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Posted by Tony on May 3, 2011 in Politics, The Future, Thoughts |

I don’t really have mixed feelings about the death of Bin Laden. I was in New York State when the 9/11 attack occurred. I felt the pain, the rage, and empathized with people in New York City and the rest of the world who lost loved ones. I think Bin Laden got what was coming to him. He mastered the plan that brought down the Twin Towers killing thousands of innocent people. He is on a par reserved for people like Hitler in my opinion. He did what he did for hatred’s sake.

I consider myself liberal in my political beliefs. I oppose the death penalty in some cases because I feel that sitting in prison would be a better punishment than paying for numerous appeals. I continue to have questions about our motives behind the Iraq war, but I support our troops who are there to do the job they are required by duty to do. Although, I still may have questions for those people who gave the orders. That is what I believe this country is about, the freedom to question authority.

What I do find distasteful is the celebrating of a death. Yes, I feel it had to happen and it was deserved. But let’s not celebrate it. If we do that it feels, to me at least, like we are no better than the terrorists we fight. Just take solace in the fact that justice was served. We are all human beings on this blue ball spinning through space. Some are evil, some not. But we are all human beings.

I do feel like I’m torn down the middle with my liberal democratic beliefs on one side and the need for justice to be dealt on the other. It’s an odd feeling. One that I tried to explain here. Not very well I think. I welcome other or opposing views, I don’t claim to understand everything.



Post-Convention Slump

Posted by Tony on May 3, 2011 in Blah |

I’m in the middle of a post-convention slump and my frustration and anxiety level is up due to things beyond my control. Thankfully, I have friends, family, and others to talk about it with. If not, I might go crazy.

Struggling to change my focus and not dwell on problems is sometimes very difficult for me. It would be easier if I were closer in geographic location to some of my friends. I’m tired of being stuck here in the middle of nowhere. I’ve said that before, I know. Trying not to repeat myself, but I guess I do it because I need to change it. I have some outlets for my stress later in the week. I’ll take that as a blessing.

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Posted by Tony on May 2, 2011 in Misc, Thoughts |

Freedom bears no credence when the lack of it’s still being justified.

-Maria McKee

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Wizard World Recap

Posted by Tony on May 2, 2011 in Art, Fun and Friends, Life, Work |

It was a long weekend for us at Wizard World Anaheim. Friday night seemed to actually be busier than usual. Sales seemed like they were up this year, woohoo!

I met a lot of great people, including Jason Metcalf and his wife, Richard Herd, Ernie Hudson, and the Avellan Twins. In all, a pretty good show. Just a bit of a sore throat left over from yesterday and my hands are blistered and bloody, but no real complaints.

[nggallery id=21]

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Powergirl and me

Posted by Tony on May 1, 2011 in Fun and Friends, Life, Work |

Me and Powergirl.


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Wizard World Day 3

Posted by Tony on May 1, 2011 in Fun and Friends, Life, Work |

The lovely Elise Avellan and the not so lovely me.

* link added

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Wizard World Day 2

Posted by Tony on April 30, 2011 in Fun and Friends, Life, Work |

Met Richard Herd (V, Star Trek: Voyager, and many other great things). We talked about art, writing, and life for quite a while. Later he stopped by our table to say hello and take a photo. He even bought a Watchman knit cap. It was a pleasure to meet him.

P.S. Check out Mr. Herd’s work on imdb.com. Can’t seem to link it in the WordPress Mobile App. * a couple of links added.

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Wizard World Anaheim 2011

Posted by Tony on April 29, 2011 in Art, Fun and Friends, Fun Stuff, Life, Work, Writing |

Off to Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con with Pepe Melan. See you in Artist Alley, stop by and say hello! We’ll be there all weekend.

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