Happy Birthday Batman!

Posted by Tony on April 28, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Fun and Friends, Life, Work |

Okay, I’m a few days late in posting this (I just saw it). It cracked me up and I had to share. Love ya TallestSilver! See you at Anaheim.

Subscribe to her YouTube Channel, it’s always a hoot.

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Posted by Tony on April 28, 2011 in Life, Thoughts |

It’s been a good day. I spent the morning talking to an old friend. It was nice to catch up. I am thankful for this person, not sure if they know that. We haven’t seen each other in about 18 years and we parted in a difficult way, it hurt for long time. It changed me for the better I think. Other people who know me might disagree with my assessment.

A lot of things changed in that time. I guess that’s what I’m hoping for, a change. As much as I sometimes (most times) despise them, it is inevitable. It’s not always a bad thing though it sometimes seems that way. It’s going to happen so I try to roll with it the best that I am able. Picking myself up and moving forward, sometimes very slowly. So slow that it sometimes feels like I’m moving backwards.

Things changed yesterday and I not certain it was a bad thing. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was for the best I think. It’s said that God opens doors. I don’t know if I completely believe that. I think we have to look for those doors ourselves. I try not sit around and wait for the universe to drop something in my lap. I admit, I have been lucky for that to happen in the past. I usually have a hard time seeing opportunities. It’s not what I’m hoping for, so I miss it by not being open to it.

I need to work on seeing things in different ways. I have never been really good at that. My logical mind wants to put everything the way that it thinks it should be. Control freak much? I try not to do that to people, but when it comes to myself I’m bad at trying to fix everything. I can’t do that. So I need to change.

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Feeling better

Posted by Tony on April 26, 2011 in Family, Life, Thoughts, Work, Writing |

The anxiety has lifted for the most part thanks to resting for the day. We were suppose to head to the coast today. But nobody felt like doing it. Allergies are hitting everyone here at home very hard. That coupled with my anxiety really made today extremely uncomfortable. A quiet day without a media barrage of any type, no reading, chatting, music, or television, helped me deal with all of it.

Going to spend the night working on an outline for a potential project I have running around in my brain. Going to try to get it on paper. It’s a step forward, a small one, but I’ll take it. I always seem to have a post convention drop in my creativity and motivation. Only today felt like a particularly bad meltdown. Hoping that I can do something to salvage it and point myself to a more productive path.

I think I know what’s bothering me. But I don’t think I’m going to write about it just yet. I need to come to terms with it emotionally before I do anything like that. I doubt anyone here would really care. But just the same I want to wait.

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I’m here

Posted by Tony on April 26, 2011 in Blah |

Not feeling well today. But I am here. Headache, nausea, and just feeling rather crummy. I wanted to write a bit more…maybe later.

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Visit www.rosepressey.com …

Posted by Tony on April 25, 2011 in Misc |

and get a chance to win an iPad 2. Details here…

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Time to make the doughnuts!

Posted by Tony on April 24, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Life |

I forgot to post this. We drove past Iron Man’s doughnut on the way to the Prince show. Just thought I’d share the photo I took.

*also WTF! $4.21 a gallon?

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Whirlwind Weekend – Part 1

Posted by Tony on April 24, 2011 in Art, Cool, Fun and Friends, Fun Stuff, Life |

The Prince concert was great. Four hours of great music and special guests. The show opened with Mint Condition. The 1990’s R&B/Funk band famous for the ballad “Breakin’ My Hart (Pretty Brown Eyes)”. They weren’t bad, their bass player was incredible.

Therein lies my only problem with the show. It would probably have sounded better if the bass and drums were

In the Purple Rain

In the Purple Rain

cranked down a bit. The heavy bass and drums stepped all over the vocals muddying the sound too much, even in Prince’s set.


That said, the show was awesome. It was a pleasant surprise that the show touted as “real music, by real musicians” was just that. It was also a return to his rock/funk roots for Prince. Gone were the jazz heavy riffs and horns, back were the heavy guitar, bass, and drums from the Prince of the past. I was exhilarating to hear the songs from yesteryear performed as they were when we the fans, first heard them.

The set included, new stuff, old school 80’s, and song the Glam Slam 90’s. The new stuff was a new guitar rock song called “Lay Down” and another “Future Soul” which had a great guitar intro reminiscent of Prince’s 1980’s gems. Then there was the 90’s club hit “Endorphinmachine” and my 80’s favorite B-side “17 Days” a song I’ve heard live on bootlegs, but never seen live.

The highlights included an instrumental version on “Let’s Work” done in the dark with a bouncing bass line sine wave on the stage floor. Next was a set of Purple Rain, Sign O’ The Times, and Diamonds and Pearls classics. As Prince said during the show “Just too many songs!” Anybody else might have been bragging, but in Prince’s case I think he was just stating the truth.

Other performers who should get a shout out are Shelby J. a fantastic backup singer with a great voice, and the truly fantastically lovely Alicia Keyes who joined Prince on stage to duet on his 80’s classic and her wonderful cover “How Come You Don’t Call Me Anymore?”.

Some people complained the his self-proclaimed “Friday Night Special” performance was too short. But 4 hours of great music and meeting great people was worth the $25 ticket price that most of them paid. Although, the merchandise was way overpriced, I didn’t end up buy anything.

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Whirlwind Weekend – Part 2

Posted by Tony on April 24, 2011 in Art, Cool Stuff, Fun and Friends, Life, Work |

The second half of my weekend was spent at the Long Beach Comic Expo yesterday. Had a great time seeing friends and meeting all the people. In our little group of artists were all of these wonderful people please check out their sites and support independent artists:

Pepe Melan
Lance Sawyer
Dan Mendoza
Kevin Woody

A special thank you to Kevin Woody for his impromptu render Pepe and yours truly, I love it!

Pepe and me by Kevin Woody

Pepe and me by Kevin Woody

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Posted by Tony on April 23, 2011 in Fun Stuff, Life, Work |



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Official for the first time

Posted by Tony on April 23, 2011 in Cool, Life, Work |

Looks like I’m officially on paper for the first time at Long Beach Comic Expo 2011



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