New Music

Posted by Tony on April 13, 2011 in Art, Fun Stuff |

Prince can pull off a masterful ballad. As much as I like some of his early 80’s and 90’s ballads, some of his recent slow songs have left me sorta, meh! The bulk of his recent albums have been ballads of this caliber. In my opinion he sorely needed to return to his hard rock guitar driven stuff. Tonight he premiered a new song, “Lay Down”, on George Lopez Tonight. Nice to hear him go back to his rock roots a little bit. I’m eager to hear the album that it comes from.

Speaking of his 80’s ballads the second song he performed was “The Beautiful Ones” from “Purple Rain”. Still his most iconic album and film. I think I must have listened to that album a million times throughout the 1980’s. It was my personal soundtrack during that decade I think. The most striking thing of this performance is the ballerina performing on stage. Misty Copeland, the American Ballet Soloist. Absolutely stunning!

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High Desert Hay Fever

Posted by Tony on April 13, 2011 in Blah, Life, Whining |

The High Desert Santa Ana winds were in full effect today with gusts over 50 miles per hour. At this time of the year it seems like this happens about every other day. It makes a person not want to leave house for obvious reasons. Blowing sand can be very uncomfortable. It also makes people with allergies, like myself and my whole family miserable. Constant sneezing, dry, itchy eyes, coughing, and headaches, make life extremely unpleasant. Trying to work while dealing with all that is no fun. Of course we can try to find decent medications. But the good medicines make you sleepy and that’s not helpful when you’re trying to be productive.

I used to get weekly allergy medication injections as a child. I really don’t want to have to start them again. The main reason being that I’m 70 miles from my doctor and I can’t afford $4.25 per gallon for gas and they are predicting over $5 a gallon by Summer (Sheesh!). So, for the next couple of months it’s a matter of just working through the haze of allergies.

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A better video…

Posted by Tony on April 12, 2011 in Art, Cool Stuff, Fun and Friends, Life |

Too short, but oh well…

Okay, shutting up about it now!

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Work Work Play

Posted by Tony on April 12, 2011 in Art, Fun and Friends, Life |

I’ve been working on the design of a site for a shop in town. It’s coming together slowly but nicely. I’m anxious to finalize the design. I’ve also been editing some old writings and some of the entries on this site updating missing photos, etc.

On the fun side. We got tickets to the Prince: Welcome 2 America tour next week. Yay! I know most people don’t like him. But the shows are pretty entertaining and always lots of fun. The plan is that he is doing 21 shows in 21 nights. He did something similar in London a few years back. I’m really looking forward to it!

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Letting Go

Posted by Tony on April 11, 2011 in Blah, Life, Thoughts, Work |

It’s been a stressful day for me. The dumb thing is that it is mostly things that are out of my control. I have a hard time letting go of hurt feelings, I always have. The thing is, I internalize a lot of those feelings. I end up with stomach pain and acid reflux.

The stupid thing about it is that I realize that most of it will work out in the end. As it did today. Am I happy with everything that transpired? No. But all things considered it wasn’t bad. The parties involved are happy. Can I do things better? Yes, I see where improvements can be made. I see things that I need to do that I did not before.

So I guess it’s a learning experience. That is what’s important right? Onward and upward.

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Sick Day

Posted by Tony on April 10, 2011 in Blah, Life |

I haven’t felt great for few days. Sinus headaches have been plaguing me all week. I slept till 10am this morning. This is very unusual for me. I felt sick so I got up and had breakfast and a cup of coffee, probably should have skipped the coffee but I was trying to wake up.

I also managed to accidentally overdose myself on my medication. I took my pill at 7:45 when I woke up the first time before continuing to sleep. When I woke up at 10:00 I reached for the nasal spray but forgot what I was doing and took another pill. My focus just isn’t great right now. I’m thinking this may be one reason I feel so bad today. As the day continued I felt worse.

I was able to get some reading and writing done. The day turned out not to be a complete waste. After that I caught a 30 minute nap. That was odd, because I’m feeling very tired and rundown. But half an hour was all I could manage. Maybe tomorrow will better.

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Taste The Dark Side!

Posted by Tony on April 10, 2011 in Fun Stuff |

Actually, not real but a great idea. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Lucas will allow ThinkGeek to make them. It’s not impossible, I still want a Tauntaun Sleeping Bag.

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Posted by Tony on April 8, 2011 in General, Just Plain Evil, Whining |

I need to pay closer attention while eating. I ate two Jelly Belly – Belly Flops without looking at them. The two flavors mixed came out to a nasty concoction that tasted like bile (isn’t that a Harry Potter thing?). Now that I’ve grossed everyone out my work is done for the evening.

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An Elegant Weapon

Posted by Tony on April 7, 2011 in Fun Stuff, Funny |

funny graphs - George Lucas: Acrotomophile?
see more Funny Graphs

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The Sequel

Posted by Tony on April 6, 2011 in Funny |

This proves that Hollywood bigwigs can fuck up any sequel. The casting is so good in this short. P.S. I guess it’s a video kinda day.

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