Oh Myyy!

Posted by Tony on April 6, 2011 in Funny |

This is all over the web (no pun intended). But I’m posting it anyway because it made me laugh when I really needed a laugh. The thing is, this actually would make me want to see that horrible play.

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Posted by Tony on April 5, 2011 in Life, Thoughts |

Trying to decide which direction to go in life. I’m not where I expected to be at this point. I’m at a loss and it’s not a good feeling.

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Plot? There was plot?

Posted by Tony on April 4, 2011 in Funny |

funny celebrity pictures - SUCKERPUNCH
see more Lol Celebs

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TiVo’s new feature?

Posted by Tony on April 4, 2011 in Funny, Life, Weird |

For those who don’t know TiVo, the TV DVR, has a feature called TiVo Recommends. It takes a look at the things you record and then select programs from the guide that it thinks you will like and records them for you to browse through and maybe select something to watch that you didn’t record or might not have know was playing on one of the 500 lame channels (that’s another post) you have on your cable or satellite package. It is a feature that I really like, although it’s not perfect. And apparently I’m not the only one with this problem. Although, for the most part I watch only The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and occasionally Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.

I recently had to wipe TiVo’s on board brain that stores my preferences. For some reason TiVo Series 2 is having a problem and must be kicked in the ass every once in a while. A result of this “TiVolobotomy” is that it loses all the recommendation data that I took time to tailor to my tastes. The problem with it being reset is that TiVo once again thinks I a gay Neo-Nazi. As I said, I’m not the only person with this problem.

There is one other “new feature” I noticed this morning. TiVo apparently reads minds and monitors your dreams. I was having a dream this morning of The X-Files. I used to watch the show back in the day, I liked it. It was an odd dream, didn’t make much sense to me. But then I woke up and reached to turn on the TV, I usually watch the news in the morning. Lo and behold TiVo was recording an episode of The X-Files for me. Just a bit creepy if you ask me.

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Allergy Season

Posted by Tony on April 3, 2011 in Blah, Life, Whining |

Ugh. I hate allergies. Everyone in the family is having sinus problems. I’ve spent the day with a sinus headache. It feels like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Not a fun day. Ever since I’ve returned to the desert my allergies have kicked into high gear every year around this time.

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Dredging up the past

Posted by Tony on April 2, 2011 in Family, Life, Thoughts |

I really needed to get the posts from my past blog up on the site. It is a record of my life that I wanted to keep and not let just vanish. What I didn’t need, right now anyway, was to read some of it.

There are some posts I read through today that have put me in a reflective frame of mind. Not many, just a few, but they highlight some of the more unhappy things that happened in the last 12 years. I’d forgotten they were there. They happened so I will leave them. They are a learning experience that should not be forgotten. Hopefully one day they won’t have the emotional impact on me that they had today.

I try not to dwell on or in the past and if I do I try to learn from my mistakes. For me that’s not any easy task. I take friendships and loyalty very serious. Like a lot of people, I have few people I consider to be true close friends. I can count them on the fingers of one hand. In the past three years those friendships and loyalties have been put to the test. Even so it’s hard for me to let go of people who I count among the few close friends or family.

Some friends have called me crazy for not letting go of people and things from my past. I guess maybe I am, it’s hard to not care about people, even the ones that may have hurt or betrayed me. I’m a believer that anything can be salvaged. It may not be the same as it was, then again maybe it will be better.

I am grateful for my friends and family. Even for the ones who may have hurt me.

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In my dreams

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Life, Thoughts, Weird |

Why can’t I have dreams like the one I had the other night? It may have been weird. But at least I woke happy and laughing about it and it put me in a creative mood.

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Capital One Sucks!

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Advocacy, My Two Cents, Politics, Rants, Thoughts |

Today started off bad and just got worse. As I said before I woke with depression and anxiety already running rampant in my body. I kept thinking “Okay, just relax, things are not that bad.” But then I proceeded to pay my bills. This sent me on a roller coaster journey. I logged in to my Capital One account to pay my car payment. I was ecstatic to see that my balance on my loan as of today $526 and change. I was proud that even though times are tough and I’ve been unemployed for the longest period ever in my life, I have been doing my damnedest to see that my car payments are made and my only mode of transport is taken care of.

So, I go to make an online payment. But as usual the Capital One website is “Unable process my request at this time.” So I call the 800 number and make a $410 payment. Another feeling of “Woo hoo!” until… As I’m finishing the call the guy on the other end says as of today your balance is $800 and change which will be reduced by todays payment. WTF? The Capital One Account website said I only owed $526 and change? I calmly ask the rep why there is a discrepancy between my account on Capital One’s website and the computer that the rep uses that says I owe $800+. The rep start digging but can’t give me and answer. So again I say “All I would like would be an explanation, please.” I didn’t curse or lose my temper. As I kept pushing the point the rep says to me “Sir, this connection on the phone keeps dropping out and I’m going to have to disconnect this call.” And he then HUNG UP ON ME!

So I immediately call back and got a new rep and I explained what happened on the previous call and also that I was NOT HAPPY! So repeat the above. And I’m then told the explanation is that the telephone reps go by “their records” meaning Capital One, and the $409 left on the account is what I now owe. I ask “Isn’t the Capital One website your records as well? Why are the two different?”. She says well I can mail you copies of the records I have here. To which I say “Yes, and I can send you prints of what I see on YOUR website. Is there a person I can talk to in a higher position or an email address to where I can send my inquiry?” The rep says “No!”. The call ends.

So in closing let me say that Capital One Bank SUCKS! I treated them with respect never once losing my temper or raising my voice. The banks which we the public bailed out with $700 billion do not care that they are screwing us. We the little people don’t seem to matter to them in the least.

This is not over! I vow to get this straightened out. Capital One SUCKS!

EDIT: A bit of clarification

Paper bill I get in the mail says one amount

CapitalOne.com amount due is double the amount of the paper bill

Amount I paid was double the online amount.


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Why why why?

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Blah, Life, Thoughts, Whining |

Having a bad morning. My depression and anxiety are peaking for unknown reasons. Why am I feeling like this? No idea. Just hoping it subsides so I can be more productive today. I hate sitting around feeling sad, tired, and anxious for no reason I can nail down. Things are not that bad. So why do I feel like everything is going to collapse?

EDIT: Maybe the anxiety is sparked by being broke after paying my bills?

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Fits of laughter and tears

Posted by Tony on March 31, 2011 in Funny |

This had me laughing so hard I cried. Enjoy!

via Comics Alliance

P.S. I can only hope that the new Wonder Woman TV show will be better than this coloring book.

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