RIP Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)

Posted by Tony on March 23, 2011 in Advocacy, Thoughts, Tribute |

Young Hollywood could learn a lesson from it’s elders.

List of charities and her foundation.

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Posted by Tony on March 22, 2011 in Fun and Friends, Life, Site Stuff, Syracuse Rantings |

Well, after much research I was able to import all the entries from my old blog “Syracuse Rantings” into this blog. As of this post there are now 300 post entries dating back to November 1999.

Nobody will read them I guess. But I’m happy that I was able to salvage a bit of my personal history as well as Kara’s entries. It’s a record of the last 12 years, for what it’s worth. Granted it’s not perfect. Probably a bit spotty and some of the links and pictures are either no longer valid or missing (can’t be helped, things change). But it’s a record of my life and I wanted to put it back up on the web. I’m happy I was able to do it. Don’t expect great writing or interesting stuff. Enjoy it for what it is. All the post are in the category “Syracuse Rantings”.

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Down for a couple of days…

Posted by Tony on March 20, 2011 in Life, Thoughts, Work |

Down but still active really. Got a bit of a stomach bug I guess. Everybody seems to have something in the house right now.

I applied for a couple of jobs online last night. I’m hoping I’ll hear some good news for a change. It seems like everybody is having a tough time in the employment department right now. So I know it’s a long shot, but I’m hopeful. I’m happy that my business is picking up, but a steady paycheck would be even better.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Posted by Tony on March 19, 2011 in Thoughts |

Possibly the dumbest movie I’ve seen in a while.

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Tired, damn time change…

Posted by Tony on March 18, 2011 in Art, Life, Work |

Ever since the time change on Saturday night I have been exhausted. I seem to be sleeping, but not getting rested at night. I went to bed at 10pm last night (not that late, right?). I wake up the next day drained and feeling like I need a nap.

On a better note, Pepe Melan and I will be at the Off The Blvd Block-Party Mardi Gras on March 26th from 4 to 9pm at Perk Place Coffee (new site coming SOON!) in Lancaster, CA. Stop by and say hello if you’re in the area.


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Posted by Tony on March 16, 2011 in Site Stuff |

Testing the new version of WordPress for iOS.


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Posted by Tony on March 16, 2011 in Life, Site Stuff, Thoughts |

I really need to write here more often. Most of the time I just feel I have nothing interesting to write about. Life here is pretty dull most of the time. On a good note, the web business has picked up a bit. Not enough for a great paycheck, but it keeps me busy and I enjoy the work. I guess that is what’s important.

I’m waiting for the convention season to start. For some unknown reason I thought it was going to start last month. I was disappointed to find out that it doesn’t actually begin till next month, oh well!

I’m thinking of actually beginning to use this site for stories, ideas, and all such stuff. Nobody actually reads this drivel, so why not?! Not that I have a lot of those to post either. But maybe it’ll get the creative juices flowing again.

I’ve been reading a lot. But that doesn’t seem to be inspiring me too much. I have also been watching a lot of old TV shows I’ve either not seen before, Farscape, or haven’t watched in a long time, Twin Peaks. I enjoyed the entire series run of Farscape, but was a little put off by the two hour wrap-up movie. Not enough to hate it. Just a few little things I didn’t like. Transferring a Human/Sebacean fetus from the gullet of a Hynerian was a bit much to begin with, but to do it during the heat of combat was just too ridiculous.

I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed Twin Peaks during the original 1990-1991 run. Watching the DVDs that have sat on my shelf for 10 years or more brought it all back. Although, why the hell would the producers not include the series pilot on the first season set of DVDs? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, it’s the most important episode of the whole damn show. From what I’ve read it was a contract dispute or some such nonsense.

Regardless, Twin Peaks is still top-notch TV. Quirky characters, dark humor, cool jazz soundtrack, not to mention a haunting opening theme. It’s David Lynch at his weird best. It’s a “Damn fine cup of coffee”.

Expect to see a couple of small changes to the design of this site. Just a few minor fixes. Nothing to write home about. So I’ll just write it here.

Over and out.

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A Star Wars Kinda Day

Posted by Tony on March 15, 2011 in Funny |

I regularly read Geek Tyrant (love it). A couple of things there today made me smile today. I thought I’d share. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in their remake of a classic scene from Star Wars.


Star Wars Inspired Home Theater


The Last Kiss Institute of Dismal Love Affairs

Posted by Tony on February 11, 2011 in Art, Cool Stuff |

This video was created by my friend John Lustig over Last Kiss Comics. Check out his site, I think you’ll like it. It makes me laugh anyway.

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Posted by Tony on January 28, 2011 in Life |

Just got a call with some potentially very good news! More later…


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