James Bond’s 1964 Aston Martin DB5
Beautiful – Second Wind
Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.
The Droid I Was Looking For
He’s held up pretty good over the years. 🙂
Anaheim WizardCon 2010 Wrap-Up
Thanks to everybody we met that stopped by the Tales of Blood and Fire booth. We had a great meeting everyone of you. The Saturday Night Sketch & Drink at the Sheraton was a nice way to wind down after sitting at a table all day. Here are some pictures and links of the people we met over the weekend.
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A shout out to a few of you:
Jason Martin – Super Real Graphics
John & Shelagh Lustig – Last Kiss
Lance & Amy Sawyer – lancer-x.deviantart.com
Lindsey Zimmerman – hi2point5.com
Please support the independent creators at conventions.
Crocogirl love!
Check out Lindsey’s site at http://hi2point5.com/
The Zombies Who Came to Dinner
They eat turkey and beef with the brains.
ECCC 2010
Had a great time in Seattle this weekend at the Emerald City Comic Con. Looking forward to next year.
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