A New Year
I wish I could decide what to say. Maybe I’ll just stop writing all together. Can’t get past the feeling of being useless.
Happy New Year *Ugh!*
Another year down. True to my luck I ended 2009 by falling on my ass and nearly breaking my ribs (AGAIN!). Joy! I was going to take pictures if the bruises. But I decided to spare you the visual.
My right are right torso are all sorts of black and blue. Thank you Cinemark Theaters for narrow aisles. I fell forward slamming into the stairs as I hit.
This is not the new year’s post I wanted to write, but oh well. I hold my glass up and hope you’ll join me in a toast to a better 2010.
Productive day
Spent the day working on a site for a friend. It’s coming together slowly, but forcing me to exercise my skills in Photoshop and other stuff that are not a favorite of mine. But it’s a step in the right direction. So I can be happy with that.
I’m having problems keeping focus. Missing people in my life. I feel like there is a big hole where something should be. I don’t think anyone really understands. But I write here because it’s what I’m feeling. It’s where I’m at right now. Things will get better. I just hate waiting around for it with nothing to do. I’m doing my best to keep busy.
Bakersfield Con
On Sunday I went to the Bakersfield Comic Con. Had a great time. The day started off slow and we wondered if doing a small show would bring out very many people. By noon the place had filled up and was busy. We saw some friends from previous shows and met new people as well. In all a successful venture.
I had the pleasure of meeting the legendary comic artist Sergio Aragones and others. I think the smaller shows are a easier to handle than the big conventions. Had a great time.
Desert turtle
Wild tortoise
– Posted using MobyPicture.com
Keep your fingers crossed
I have a lead on a possible paying gig. *crosses fingers*
BAKERSFIELD COMIC-CON Comic Book and Fantasy shows
Going to be working at this show for a friend. I wish I could get the job to design these sites for people, this one is painful.