Pix from Las Vegas
Had a fun couple of days.

The MGM Lion 2009

Kitty Likes Altoids

Star Trek Experience 2009 CLOSED

Las Vegas Hilton 2009

Coyote Ugly, Las Vegas 2009
Good Day, All things considered
I drove to Glendale, California today. I had to drive 120 miles to deposit money in my bank. Yeah, the closest branch is 120 miles away. One of the drawbacks of living in the middle of nowhere.
When I first parked I had put $1 in the meter and went to put the receipt on my dash when I realized that it wasn’t necessary. As I walked past the parking pay station a guy asked if I had paid with
quarters, I had. He handed them back to me and said the machine had spit them at him when he paid. So, free parking, yay!
I came to the conclusion that HSBC Bank sucks. First there are no local branches to where I live. Second, I drove 120 and had to pee. But could not because HSBC denied my request to use the bathroom. After I gave them all my cash!
So with very little cash in my pocket and doing the peepee dance I resolved to try the restaurant in front of where I had parked my car. I was greeted at the door by the host and I quickly explained my predicament. He directed my to the restroom.
When I was finished, even though I was broke, I thought I’d better at least buy a Pepsi or something and not be rude. I ordered and sat at the bar. While drinking I was watching the waiters walk around the what looked like lamb or beef on a spit slicing it onto plates at diner’s tables. I was hungry but broke. It looked awesome.
When I had finished I went to pay for the drink and was informed by the host that it was “on the house”. I thanked him, but left a tip. If you’re Glendale, California and looking for a place to have lunch, I highly recommend Carousel Restaurant on Brand Blvd. Nice people, yummy looking food. All in all, not a bad day.
A quote I read today…
Into His hands I lay the fears that haunt me,
The dread of future ills that may befall;
Into His hands I lay the doubts that taunt me,
And rest securely, trusting Him for all. —Christiansen
Kinda how I’m feeling right now…
Something That Sounded Really Good
I was just passing through the family room where the news was on when I heard something that sounded really nice.
It was a news report that began with the words “Former President George Bush…”
A Slow Sunday
Sitting here bored.
Pia our cat.
Pia – Lazy Sunday
And this made me laugh:
Jennster’s Blog
Snow in The Mojave
We had a snow storm last week. The most snow we’ve had in 30 years. *picture accidentally deleted*
An old photo
I found this while doing some cleaning and thought I’d put it here for posterity and safe keeping.

Uncle Denny and Linda Blair circa 1980's
Just thoughts…
I am living at home again. Partially because of circumstance, partially because my family asked me too. My life has changed to say the least. I miss people that mean a lot to me. I miss my work. Finding a new job has been difficult, not only because of the economy, but also because I am 60 miles from the nearest town. This makes job hunting difficult. I’m trying to not let the rejection letters get me down.
Other things have changed as well. My parents are getting older and beginning to show their age. They both went to the doctor yesterday. My father has not been feeling well for a long time. He has spent the last 3 years of his retirement fixing up their house. It’s been a big job for him, too big I think. His blood pressure is high, he’s feeling run down most of the time, and is not sleeping well. He is showing his age, and it seems to show that he is older than he actually is.
My mother has been fighting a bronchial infection due to asthma. She stubbornly ignored our pleas to go to the doctor until yesterday. She spent 5 hours in urgent care getting breathing treatments and steroids. She is having arthritic back pain which is making sleeping difficult. It has slowed her down a lot.
I don’t feel like I can do enough to help them. There is a lot that needs to be done around here that I can’t do, like clearing the junk out of the backyard and such. I can’t physically do a lot of the things that need to be done. Things like this make me feel like I’m not doing everything I could, but I don’t know how to do more.
But I spend my time helping my mom fix up her PC and helping them get a new printer they needed desperately. Mom wants to do more online, but the lack of broadband in this area makes it difficult and frustrating for her. Patience is not a strong point with me or my family.