This Saturday….
is the 10th Anniversary of Free Comic Book Day. This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to your day already in progress.
Wizard World Recap
It was a long weekend for us at Wizard World Anaheim. Friday night seemed to actually be busier than usual. Sales seemed like they were up this year, woohoo! I met a lot of great people, including Jason Metcalf and his wife, Richard Herd, Ernie Hudson, and the Avellan Twins. In all, a pretty good […]
Wizard World Anaheim 2011
Off to Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con with Pepe Melan. See you in Artist Alley, stop by and say hello! We’ll be there all weekend.
Happy Birthday Batman!
Okay, I’m a few days late in posting this (I just saw it). It cracked me up and I had to share. Love ya TallestSilver! See you at Anaheim. Subscribe to her YouTube Channel, it’s always a hoot.
Time to make the doughnuts!
I forgot to post this. We drove past Iron Man’s doughnut on the way to the Prince show. Just thought I’d share the photo I took. *also WTF! $4.21 a gallon?
Whirlwind Weekend – Part 2
The second half of my weekend was spent at the Long Beach Comic Expo yesterday. Had a great time seeing friends and meeting all the people. In our little group of artists were all of these wonderful people please check out their sites and support independent artists: Pepe Melan Lance Sawyer Dan Mendoza and Kevin […]
Yeah, it’s a bit of a ripoff…
Comic Con Season Starts Soon
I’m excited for the comic convention season to start for Pepe Melan and myself. It’s hectic, but always fun. I’m hoping to have a little extra money this years for a few goodies. Not necessary though. We always have a great time. Is it work? Yeah, maybe technically it is, but I always have a […]
Oh Myyy!
This is all over the web (no pun intended). But I’m posting it anyway because it made me laugh when I really needed a laugh. The thing is, this actually would make me want to see that horrible play.
Fits of laughter and tears
This had me laughing so hard I cried. Enjoy! via Comics Alliance P.S. I can only hope that the new Wonder Woman TV show will be better than this coloring book.