A great story about inclusiveness. My first-cousin Milo and his daddy are a part of it. Link to the article
Sad tonight. Feeling worthless. Just putting this here because its what I feel right now.
The doorway is open but what lies beyond the threshold I cannot tell. I have but to step over to the other side. A simple choice to overcome the fear that holds me in place in this world. A small step to move beyond. Difficult as it feels, it really is so simple.
Dreams lie
Woke up from a happy dream. Only to realize that what I dreamed wasn’t reality. I am gripped by a sadness now. So hard to shake these things off.
Being Thankful
I’m going through a lot of emotions lately. Not all of them happy or fun. As I keep trying to put my life back together, sometimes unsuccessfully. Jobs are hard to find, I live in an area outside of the civilized world. Much of the time I am isolated, alone, and lonely. I do my […]
I need one. Had an idea for another post but failed to write it down and it’s gone from my brain. *sigh*
Childhood TV
I think I’ve written before about how I spent much of my time as a kid in hospitals and body casts after surgery. As a result I watched a ton of old TV shows. To this day I still love many of them. Recently my satellite provider added KVME Los Angeles Channel 20, MeTV. I […]
WonderCon 2012
WonderCon 2012 was a blast. It’s always fun to see friends. There are so many creative people at these shows. I usually dread going, but end up having a great time. Always sad when it’s over.
Sucks! That is all.
Happy New Year
In all 2011 was pretty good. I have an awesome family, [singlepic id=1057 w=320 h=240 float=center] including a niece who is pretty darn awesome (and she knows it) …and a new cousin. I went to San Diego Comicon for the first time. I went to a Prince concert for the first time in ages. I […]