
Posted by Tony on January 24, 2019 in Links, Site Stuff |

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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Pushing Past Writer’s Block

Posted by Tony on January 14, 2019 in Art, Life, Links, Writing, Writing |

I’ve been blocked for years as a writer. Feeling like I have nothing worth saying. I resolved in 2019 to write, to move beyond this blocked feeling, to write no matter what. I picked up creative writing books. I read them. I am not sure I totally agree with some the new age thinking in […]

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New workflow

Posted by Tony on January 5, 2019 in Site Stuff, Writing |

I got the new Apple Pencil and I’m using it to hand write my blog posts. Feels a little awkward at first, but I like that I can scratch out new posts as if on paper, which I really like. I love the feel of handwriting my thoughts, the scratch of ink pen on paper. […]

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Posted by Tony on December 30, 2018 in Blah, Site Stuff |

Not wanting to update WordPress to Gutenberg!

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A Query

Posted by Tony on June 12, 2018 in Art, Site Stuff, Work |

A question, if you’re reading this, I’d love to know what you would like to see on this page? I don’t have much going on in my life, but I want to resurrect this site and try to keep it up. And I’d like it to have more content than just fun stuff and links. […]

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Fresh Coat Of Paint

Posted by Tony on June 11, 2018 in Site Stuff |

A new look for my site.

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Reworking my resume

Posted by Tony on June 10, 2018 in Life, Site Stuff, Work |

I like the design of my new resume site, reworking the text a little though. Any pointers are appreciated.

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Posted by Tony on June 9, 2018 in Site Stuff |

Sort of…moved my site to the root of http://www.anthonyenglish.com.



Site purge

Posted by Tony on September 18, 2012 in Life, Misc, Site Stuff |

Going to be purging some stuff from this site that is no longer a part of my life. Difficult decision, but necessary I think. Any thoughts from ghosts who read this page are welcome and will be taken under consideration. The process is likely to take a while.




Posted by Tony on April 18, 2011 in Life, Rants, Site Stuff, Whining, Work |

I decided to move some work related files off my web host and onto my laptop. I need to start building things locally. I don’t like using my personal resources for these types of job. It was necessary in this instance though. Let me just say one thing…my Internet provider sucks. Being stuck out here […]

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