
Posted by Tony on April 8, 2011 in General, Just Plain Evil, Whining |

I need to pay closer attention while eating. I ate two Jelly Belly – Belly Flops without looking at them. The two flavors mixed came out to a nasty concoction that tasted like bile (isn’t that a Harry Potter thing?). Now that I’ve grossed everyone out my work is done for the evening.

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TiVo’s new feature?

Posted by Tony on April 4, 2011 in Funny, Life, Weird |

For those who don’t know TiVo, the TV DVR, has a feature called TiVo Recommends. It takes a look at the things you record and then select programs from the guide that it thinks you will like and records them for you to browse through and maybe select something to watch that you didn’t record […]

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In my dreams

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Life, Thoughts, Weird |

Why can’t I have dreams like the one I had the other night? It may have been weird. But at least I woke happy and laughing about it and it put me in a creative mood.

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Weird Dreams

Posted by Tony on March 30, 2011 in Fun Stuff, Life, Thoughts, Weird |

I’m still thinking about the dream I had last night. Normally I don’t remember my dreams or if I do they don’t stick and are forgotten by the time my day has started. I’m not sure why this dream seems to have stuck in my head. It was an odd dream that made little sense. […]

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